Saturday, September 09, 2006

I'm Home And An Update

I finally got home last Sunday, Sept 3, 2006. It was great to be home and I love being back with my Gordon Setter "kids". Unfotrunately my 11 year old Gordon boy Sutton wasn't feeling well and needed to have emergency surgery that evening to drain a large abscess in his throat. Thankfully I have a wonderful Vet who was able to get him in to place the drain that evening (Thanks so much Dr Sue!).

Since the operation I have had some trouble opening my mouth and chewing due to the cut jaw muscle from the surgery. The week before I came home it felt like my jaw was starting to heal, but now my gums were starting to get swollen, bubbly, and my teeth were starting to hurt. It has progressivly gotten worse. I am taking a lot of extra strength tylenol (and tylenol PM at night). I have no idea what is happening to my teeth & gums but the pain is almost unbearable. By this past Tuesday I was having tons of pain and was back to taking the perscription pain relievers which I didn't like taking, but it was the only way to cut through the pain. I called Dr Black's office and spoke to one of his nurses who stated that she has never seen this as a problem from the surgery. She suggested having my primary care doctor get a CBC count incase there is an infection. I called my Primary care doctor and his nurse said they could not scedule a CBC count for me (I can't remember the reason she mentioned, darned short-term memory) and she said I needed to see a dentist. Well I don't have a dentist at this time, having fired my last one (see a post written in Aug), don't have any dental insurance, and I didn't see how a dentist would help anyway since I couldn't open my mouth any wider then to put a finger in (about 1/2 inch). I was able to get an oral rinse and ambersol to help with the pain and hopefully clear up any infection. It has seemed to help about 15% for a couple of days. Now it doesn't seem to be working anymore and I'm miserable. My jaw only opens about 1/3 of an inch now and the last two days the headache pain has returned behind my eye. The double vision, pressure, and blurryness is a bit worse too. I don't know what to do and am starting to get very depressed. I can't afford any more medical treatment and as it is we don't have any money to pay our mortgage so we may lose our house after Sept 14. I applied to an organization that is supposed to financially help people in the dogshow world who have medical problems but it looks like since I don't have a malignant tumor they won't help. I just don't know what to do and am loath to ask anyone for help since I know everyone has their own problems. I just hope I feel better soon since there is nothing else that I can do to feel better at this time. I've got a lot of stress not being able to work or even help out around the house and I feel horrible, I'd say worse then when I left the hospital. I've even thought about going to the emergency room but can't get to a hospital by myself and that would only cost us more $$. I've already disrupted the lives and work schedules of my husband and mother and can't ask them to take any more time off just to drive me to the doctors. There is so much I need to do around the house and yet I'm afraid to do anything because unless I'm sleeping I feel awful and don't want to make it worse. All I can eat is very soft canned vegetables, masshed potatoes, and sherbert. I suck on popscicles and that makes it feel a bit better but the popscicles are too thick to fit in my mouth since I can't open my jaw very wide. I tried to eat a sandwich but have to flatten and then squish the food between my teeth (not very appetizing). Each day I think that it has to get better, perhaps it is just the nerves healing? If I call Dr Black's office again I will probably only get told that there is nothing they can do again, besides I get the feeling they are busy with other people who are in worse shape then I am. My primary care doctor's office didn't want anything to do with me since I've had brain surgery, and since I don't have a dentist nor dental insurance there is no way any dentist will see me for an emergency, especially since I can't open my mouth! I'm so confused :-( All I wanted was some antibiotics, I know I have an infection of some sort, even if I don't have a temperature. I've tried so hard to be optomistic about this whole thing, but right now I feel like a fool. I can put up a great front, but when I'm alone I know how I really feel. If anyone can spare an extra prayer or bit of Setter Zen I would appreciate it a lot. I had been waiting until I felt better to update the blog but I guess that isn't going to happen any time soon so I thought I would post an update, sorry I'm having a pity-party. I'm so confused about what to do....guess I'll go back to bed.



Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - WOW, wish you could have a better day, your blog seems that you are really down and depressed but look at the brighter side of life..there is sunshine,and blue skies,and each day that you wake up and put one foot on the floor and the other follows it is a better day that the one before,all progress is slow but in time you shall be better than ever so do not dispair you have been thru one hell of a lot in the last month, and remember every one is praying for you . Jade and i shall add a couple more prayers every day for your continued recovery..Dee Gendron

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sue. It must be very discouraging to go through such a massive operation and still not feel better. We are experiencing this as well, but with different symptoms.

My son Greg, 36, had his meningioma removed on 8/26 by Dr. Black. The surgery went well and Dr. Black said he removed all of the tumor. However, Greg's recovery has been very rough and he is back at the B&W hospital. He has at least two infections (ear and urinary tract). He was having extreme nausea and vomiting ever since the surgery and the visiting nurse said he had to go back to the hospital on Friday by ambulance (to minimize time in the ED). They also found that his liver tests are off, as well as having a high platelet count. He is finally feeling somewhat better, but very weak. He's having an ultrasound of his liver/abdomen tomorrow, and barring any adverse findings, will come home again, hopefully to finally start a steady recovery.
SusanJRusso (from the meningioma Mommas website forum)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
This is just so unacceptable the way you are being treated. Your primary care Dr SHOULD be there to follow you after surgery. Don't hesitate to call back Dr Black's office -- Donna or Nancy should be able to help with pain medication.Taking to much Tylenol is not good for you. I wish I lived closer so I could come visit you. Try posting on the Momma's website everyone is so helpful and we really care about you.
When I had my surgery my jaw was cut it took a long time for me to be able to open it. Have you used ice packs for swelling? Having brain surgery takes time to heal as I'm sure you know. But you need to talk to others, it really does help.
If you want to send me your phone # via the MM board I will call you.
Cheer up sweetie it will get better.
Deb (debflu)

ripplit said...

Hi Sue: Another MM here. I would urge you to call Dr Blacks office and tell them you dont know what to do and need them to help you figure this out. you are in pain and need their help. I am so sorry you are not feeling well, and have to squish your food. Money woes just add to it all. I am sending hugs, healing, and hope.

Anonymous said...

Setter zen headed your way