Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Questions For The Doctor

I found this list of questions to ask your Doctor or Neurosurgeon on the website and thought I would post them here with the answers to the questions that I received. It seemed to be an easy way for me to answer lots of people's questions and also have as a reference for others who may be dealing with the same diagnosis.

1. For peace of mind, please tell me about a meningioma in terms I can understand. This is all very overwhelming and if your neurosurgeon can calmly explain what you are dealing with, it makes the journey you're about to embark on a bit easier. You will see in previous posts, where I have posted info on meningiomas, that I received a number of pamphlets on the tumors and surgery from Dr Black's office.

2. What are the pros and cons of having the surgery or not having surgery? I had the option of "watch and wait", but that was not advised due to the difficulty of removing the tumor if it grows to much larger.

3. Are there alternatives to surgery--radiation, chemo, Cyber Knife, Gamma Knife? For me, because this tumor sits against the bone they recommend surgery and removal of the bones to get clear margins (leaving no cells behind).

4. Who would you recommend for a second opinion regarding my condition? Dr Black was recommended to me by both the members of the Braintmr list and also by my surgeon Dr Grove. I can't imagine there is a more skilled person for my tumor then Dr Black.

5. If I was your spouse or child, what would you do? I asked this question of Dr Grove and he would take it out if it was his wife.

6. What are the risks and/or side effects of surgery? Of course with any type of surgery there is a slight risk of death. There is also a slight risk of losing the sight in my left eye, partial paralysis to my left eyelid and double vision.

7. What types of residual problems may occur due to the surgery? Mostly cosmetic (scarring or left eyelid may droop) but those should rectify themselves in time. Slight chance of double vision or blindness in the left eye.

8. How many of this exact type of surgery have you performed? Can I talk to any of your other patients? Dr Black has performed over 1600 of these surgeries and I have been very fortunate to have spoken or emailed with a number of his patients. Each told me "there is none better".

9. What follow up medication/treatment will I need and for how long? Antibiotics and painkillers to start and anything else I will find out depending on how the surgery and pathology turn out. There is a chance of radiation treatment depending on the pathology report.

10. What are some of the emotional issues associated with my condition and treatment? There is a chance of depression and some patients are given anti-depressants.

11. Approximately how long will the surgery last? 4 to 6 hours from start to finish.

12. Expected length of ICU stay? 24 to 36 hours

13. Expected length of hospital stay? 4 to 6 days

14. Is an arteriogram or embolization needed, and why? I do not have the answer to this yet and will ask during my pre-op testing.

15. Will there be blood loss, and should I bank blood in advance in case of transfusion? I do not have the answer to this yet and will ask during my pre-op testing.

16. What do the surgeon and the nurse recommend to get the patient in the best condition pre-op? Daily multi-vitamin, eating a healthy diet, and 15 minutes of exercise or walking a day.

17. Where will the incision be and will my head be shaved? It will start on my hairline above my left eye and follow the hairline down to above my left ear and then to the outside corner of my eye. They will shave a 1 to 2 inch area down the hairline. It should be an interesting look LOL.

18. Before surgery, what medications can still be taken including vitamins or health supplements? Only Extra Strength Tylenol. No aspirin, Advil, Alleive, etc or other types of blood thinners. No extra vitamins other then a daily multivitamin.

20. After surgery, what are the warning signs for infection or complications as opposed to normal recovery symptoms? Red puffiness or oozing at the incision area, headaches.

21. Which doctor will I see for follow up? Is there more than one doctor involved? I do not have the answer to this yet and find out during my pre-op testing.

22. Clear instructions on how to look after wounds. If physical defects are involved, what is the plan of action? I will get these answers after the surgery.

23. This is a question for the anesthesiologist--can you prescribe anti-anxiety medication that may be taken prior to the surgery? I do not have the answer to this yet and find out during my pre-op testing.

24. What will you be replacing the dura with? (if you care about such details) The bones taken out will be replaced with a titanium plate and titanium mesh.

25. When can I color my hair again? (I know this is sounds vain, but this is one of the most commonly asked questions by our members.) Yes, after 4 weeks if all goes well.

26. Ask your NS what his/her travel plans are immediately following your surgery. Make SURE there he/she is not leaving on a two week vacation the day after your surgery. He/she will claim their partners are fully capable of following up, however, the partners are not invested in you as a patient and you are very likely to get blown off when complications arise. No worries for me, Dr Black will be just back from a 2 week cruise so he should be rested and refreshed :-)

27. Take the time to write out your complete medical history with dates(including hospitalizations, etc. and all the typical questions that every doctor needs to know). Include family medical history for parents/grandparents/siblings (i.e. heart disease, stroke, hypertension, etc.) Done

28. Bring the Doctor a list of medications you are presently taking. Should I continue with them? I don't take any medications at this time.

29. Will I have my own room? I didn't even think to ask, but as unbelievable as it sounds, I was given a roommate after surgery. You need your own room. Ask beforehand so it's one less worry for your family. I do not have the answer to this yet and find out during my pre-op testing.

30. Will there be any driving restrictions--especially important to know if you had seizures prior to surgery (and if you will be on AED's post-op) and if there are driving restrictions in your state. The is an EXCELLENT resource. Because I will have double vision for about 4 weeks, until the nerves and muscles behind my eye heal, I won't be allowed to drive until it clears up.

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