Thursday, October 12, 2006

Having Trouble Part 2 - Some Good News

I can't believe that it has been so long since I have posted! I seem to have lost a lot of my perception of time passing away recently. Thanks tons to my Dad for posting the last update for me. I had originaly hoped for this blog to be an upbeat place to find out how I was doing and for others who are undergoing a similar procedure or diagnosis but have decided that it can't always be "sunshine & roses" so we have decided to be as truthful as possible.

The good news is that as you can see I am much inprovemed in the spelling and typing areas - Yahoo! It was taking me about an hour to write one or two sentences because of the errors (that even spell check couldn't figure out ) and that was so-o-o frustrating for me!

A week ago Friday we were supposed to go to Dr Black's office to hear the results of the MRI I had the week before that scheduleded appt. While I couldn't make that appt I was able to speak with Dr Black's nurse who got the MRI reports and said that all looked good with the surgical area (no new tumor, leaking vein, or other problems), but that it had shown that I had "a raging infection in my left cavernous sinus"! This infection was causing swelling in my head near my sugical area and is what was causing some of the deficits I was having! After a number of phone calls back and forth with my primary care Dr's receptionist I finally was able to get a strong antibiotic late last Friday evening. I am still having problems in the eyesight, dizzyness, short term memory, and some cognative areas, but do feel a bit better and can type again - YEAH!

My next post will be Part 2 of my hospital stay (that I promised to finish weeks ago). To the intern NeuroSurgeon who stood over me while I was in the Emergency room at B&WH and said "You shouldjust be happy you don't have pus in your brain"...I DID! I can't believe they didn't find this infection during my 2nd hospital stay, however I did find an answer to why my jaw was closing and my gums were so inflamed and painful and that is also getting better a bit each day :-)

I have several posts to make to update everyone to what has been going on, just bear with me since I still get VERY fatigued and actually fall asleep as I'm doing things :-0

Thanks for the comments, they mean a lot to me and my family, and also help to keep me heading in a positive direction rather then becomeing depressed over everything.


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