Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Round and Round

OK I Know I should have posted an update before now, I just didn't know what to write since we really don't know anything more and I was hoping to have some news. The frustration with the round robin of doctors is getting ridiculous.

I received a call from Dr Hatton (Ophthalmologist/Ocularist) last weekend after he had gone over my latest CT scan with the Chief of Radiology at Mass Eye & Ear...they couldn't find any sign of the "new" tumor. Dr Hatton spoke on the phone with Dr Bien-Fang (Neuro Ophthalmologist) and they both agreed that there was something there but they just couldn't see it on the CT. I was told I had to go back to Dr Black and also get another MRI. Even if the other tumor is closer to my eye in the muscle cone Dr Black is the one who has to remove it since I just found out from Dr Hatton that once you have a craniotomy like I did they can't use a front orbital approach, all future surgerys have to be by craniotomy. :-( I called Dr Black's office to get a new appointment and was told they had a cancellation on Dec 1 at 3:30, which is the same date and time that I had already had and cancelled an appt with Dr Black - I guess I got my already cancelled appt back! I can't believe I've just been going around and around in circles (sigh).

So as it stands now I have an appt with Neurologist Dr Walshe on Thursday, MRI the following Wednesday, EEG to see if the "episodes" are seizures on Nov 27, appt with Dr Chemali (who ordered the EEG) on Nov 28, appt with Dr Bien-Fang Nov 29, and appt with Dr Black on Dec 1. I hope to know what is going on after all those appointments. Actually I would have hoped to know that before now, but oh well....

I wanted to mention a new show that premieres on CBS tonight at 10pm called "3 LBS". It is a new show about top NeuroSurgeons at a NYC hospital. From what I've heard about it on the CBS website and through the BrainTmr list it sounds a bit interesting. You can also watch the episodes if you have broadband from the CBS website (www.cbs.com) if you don't have a chance to see it tonight. 3 lbs is the average weight of the brain and in the first episode a violinist has surgry to remove an astrocytoma (a malignant brain tumor) from the back of her head and a lawyer has surgery to repair an AVM (arterial venous malformation). I already watched the show and liked it. I thought it was fairly well done although I think they should have mentioned chemo and/or radiation to the mother of the girl with the astrocytoma and I heard no noise during either of the MRIs that they showed being performed.

I'll try to be better about posting updates in the future,



Anonymous said...

Good heavens Sue! No wonder you're frustratated! Sounds like you are orbiting your orbit, as you said, in a holding pattern. Just know that there are those of us who are concerned about you and your well being, who check your Blog, and are relieved to get updates, because we are eager for you to be well. Much Setter Zen is coming your way, and will continue to do so. Your increasing knowledge of the medical issues you are confronting is impressive, and is a help to others in similar plights. As I said before, solving neurological
woes is often slow going, so I'm sending more patience your way as well! Hugs, Neva

Anonymous said...

Best of Luck on your appointment Sue!! Thank you for signing my mothers page and showing your love and support!! keep us posted!!

lots of love!!
jenn and martha


Anonymous said...

All the best for a positive outcome.

Webster and Megan